Egg Freezing in Sydney

Empowering Women to Take Control of Their Reproductive Future

Dr I-Ferne Tan is a fertility specialist who can help you freeze your eggs for your future fertility needs

Over the years, I have seen major leaps in medical technology, especially in the fertility field. It has provided many women and couples with opportunities for family planning that were previously unheard of! One such option that has gained considerable attention recently is Egg Freezing. This revolutionary procedure allows women to preserve their eggs for future use, giving them the freedom to pursue their careers, relationships, or personal goals without the worry of declining fertility.

Egg freezing, medically known as oocyte cryopreservation, is a procedure that involves collecting a batch of eggs from a woman, freezing them, and storing them for future use. It is an attractive option for women who wish to delay childbearing beyond age 35, without the nagging fear of missing out on their chance of becoming a mother. Other common reasons for egg freezing include women who are unsure if they want to have children, women who are about to start cancer treatment, women who have a medical condition that can affect their fertility, and trans-men (before medically transitioning) who would like to keep the option of having biological children in the future.

The Egg Freezing process involves the following steps:

  1. Ovarian Stimulation:

    Fertility medications are used to help the ovaries produce lots of mature eggs instead of the single egg that is typically released during a menstrual cycle.

  2. Egg Collection procedure:

    Once the eggs have reached maturity, they are collected using a minor surgical proce-dure. This involves trans-vaginal ultrasound to guide the insertion of a thin needle into the ovaries to collect the eggs. It can be done while you’re awake (with local anaesthet-ic numbing injection) or asleep (under general anaesthetic).

  3. Cryopreservation:

    The retrieved eggs are then rapidly cooled and frozen using a process called vitrification. This process maximises the integrity of the eggs during freezing and thawing.

  4. Storage:

    The frozen eggs are stored in a specialised facility, often referred to as an egg bank or cryobank. These facilities are equipped with state-of-the-art technology and maintain strict protocols to ensure the safety and viability of the frozen eggs.

What are the Benefits of Egg Freezing?

  1. Preserving Fertility:

    Egg freezing offers women the opportunity to preserve their fertility when they are at their reproductive prime. By freezing eggs at a younger age, women can increase their chances of having a healthy baby later in life, even when natural fertility declines due to age or other medical causes.

  2. Empowerment and Choice:

    Egg freezing provides women with the freedom to pursue educational and career goals, travel, personal goals, or find the right partner without the pressure of a biological clock ticking. It allows women to take control of their reproductive future and make informed decisions about when to start a family.

  3. Medical Considerations:

    Some medical conditions or treatments, such as cancer treatment, can result in early menopause. Some women require surgery on their ovaries that can reduce their fertility reserve. Egg freezing before undergoing such treatments can help preserve the option of having biological children in the future.

  4. Peace of Mind:

    Peace of Mind: For women who are undecided or simply not yet ready for motherhood but desire to have children in the future, egg freezing offers peace of mind and reduces anxiety about future fertility issues. It reduces the potential regret of not being proactive in exploring options earlier.

Are there Disadvantages of Egg Freezing?

  1. Medical risks:

    While complications are rare, there is a possibility of ovarian hyperstimulation (excessive hormone and growth factor production can affect vital organs), blood clots, pelvic infection, and internal bleeding if a major blood vessel is damaged.

  2. Expense:

    Egg freezing without a medical need does not receive a Medicare rebate. However, many fertility companies have an egg freezing program that will subsidise the cost to make it more affordable for the young women of Australia.

  3.  Psychological Toll:

    This is mostly due to unmet expectations when it comes to egg numbers promised. However, the 2-week journey can also be accompanied by mood swings, and feelings of anxiety, stress, and loneliness.

  4. Not a Guarantee:

    Despite a lot of the marketing hype, there is still no guarantee of a baby at the end of the day. Likelihood of success depends on many factors, including the quality and number of eggs frozen.  The only guarantee I can give is that you won’t regret that you weren’t more proactive when you were younger, you won’t be left wondering “what if I had frozen my eggs earlier?”

Egg freezing is a ground-breaking technology that opens so many options for women. It changes the traditional narrative of when and how a woman starts her family. It is not for everyone, and there is no guarantee of success. There are many important factors to consider such as your age, cost, and emotional well-being. However, for those women who would like to consider freezing their eggs for medical or social reasons for, it is important to be aware of the risks and benefits to help you make an informed choice on your fertility journey.